Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Food 2 Feed Charity Event Raised Over $70,000 In Donations

I was asked by Giant Food to photograph the Food2Feed Radio-thon and Food Drive event that was held on Thursday November 20th, 2008 at the Old Post Office Pavilion in Washington, DC where people stopped by to dropoff their non perishable food items and cash donations. At the end of the day, Giant food had a 53 foot tractor trailer filled from end to end with food that was later donated to the Capital Area Food Bank! Also, Food2Feed exceed their goal and raised over $70,000 in cash donations from people and companies. Those donations were used to purchase Giant gift cards to provide Thanksgiving dinner to over 1,050 families in need within our communities. Please help support your community by donation to Food2Feed Here are few of my favorites from the event
Giant Food Volunteers

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Other Volunteers

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

This is where the event took place

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Isn't this a cool looking car? I couldn't help it... I had to take a picture of it.

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Giant Food Volunteers
Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Baskets for cash donations

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Giving away cool items

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

I love this shot!!!

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

People giving cash donations

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

WHUR 96.3 interviewing people

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

This was the 53 foot tractor trailer that was filled with food. That's alot of food!!!

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

Kumar Photography - Food 2 Feed

If you like to donate, please visit:

Author: Mark Kumar - Maryland Wedding And Portrait Photographer

Website: Kumar Photography


About Me
Maryland, United States
Hey guys, my name is Mark Kumar and I am a wedding and portrait photographer based in Maryland. There is nothing else I would rather do than photograph people and capture those raw motions. Whether it is them smiling, laughing, blowing kisses, holding the one they love. I can go on forever!!! Bottom line is that when I take pictures I transform into this little kid who wants to play and have fun and create amazing photographs. So, let’s play and create awesome pictures that you will cherish forever!!!!! To see my work visit: I would love to hear from you.

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