Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kumar Photography Blog Moving To

Hello Everyone,

How are you doing? I want to thank you for following me on this blog. I am really excited to tell you that I am moving this blog to . This new blog will offer a lot cool ways for you to connect with me. I look forward to seeing you at my new blog:

Mark Kumar


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About Me
Maryland, United States
Hey guys, my name is Mark Kumar and I am a wedding and portrait photographer based in Maryland. There is nothing else I would rather do than photograph people and capture those raw motions. Whether it is them smiling, laughing, blowing kisses, holding the one they love. I can go on forever!!! Bottom line is that when I take pictures I transform into this little kid who wants to play and have fun and create amazing photographs. So, let’s play and create awesome pictures that you will cherish forever!!!!! To see my work visit: I would love to hear from you.

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