Thursday, April 8, 2010

American Idol Season 9 What Kind Of Artist Are You?

I am not sure what’s going on with American Idol this year (2010 Season 9). It seems like all the judges are asking the same things. “What kind of artist are you? and What sets you part from others?”  I mean, if you don’t know who you are as an artist, then how anyone else will know.

It’s like when my clients book me they know exactly what kind of artist I am. I am the kind of photographer who loves to capture people in their natural state; where they are being themselves. Whether they are being goofy, serious, laughing or what ever they feel comfortable doing. To me those are the kind of moments that show the real them and I love to capture that!!! To put it in other way: You + Your personality + Your special moments + My camera = AWESOME pictures. WOW… I just found myself new mission statement. Who would have thought writing this post would have gotten me new mission statement??? Not I but I am soo glad I did.  I am going to update my old mission statement (Capturing life's most treasured memories one photo at a time) with the new one (You + Your Personality + Your Special Moments + My Camera = AWESOME Pictures).

My spontaneous creativity sets me apart from others. Fine example my new mission statement. :-) You may wonder what else set me part from others. It’s ME.. ME…and ME. Did I mention ME???  The way I think….the way I light my clients…the way I set and hold my camera….the way I capture photographs…the way I photoshop my images…the way the way talk to my clients - I laugh with them, I get their thoughts and share mine, find out what’s important to them, what they like or don’t like, what they need or don’t need, what they love or hate. There is no one like me. Just like there is no one like YOU.


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About Me
Maryland, United States
Hey guys, my name is Mark Kumar and I am a wedding and portrait photographer based in Maryland. There is nothing else I would rather do than photograph people and capture those raw motions. Whether it is them smiling, laughing, blowing kisses, holding the one they love. I can go on forever!!! Bottom line is that when I take pictures I transform into this little kid who wants to play and have fun and create amazing photographs. So, let’s play and create awesome pictures that you will cherish forever!!!!! To see my work visit: I would love to hear from you.

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